
Controversial Pennsylvania judge announces retirement

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A Pennsylvania judge has announced her retirement amid allegations that she altered a transcript to remove her intemperate remarks and eavesdropped on private courthouse conversations.

Washington County President Judge Debbie O’Dell Seneca, 61, said her retirement will be effective on Monday, report the Valley Independent, the Observer-Reporter and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. She has served 23 years on the bench.

O’Dell Seneca was relieved of administrative duties in November following a complaint by fellow judges, who said in a statement that they were concerned about “court administration and managerial decision-making,” according to the Valley Independent.

Among the allegations made in court documents:

–Lawyer Noah Geary has alleged Seneca altered the transcript in his client’s murder trial.

–A whistleblower suit filed in August alleges that O’Dell Seneca eavesdropped on a juvenile master through a courthouse recording system, the Observer Reporter says. The whistleblower alleges O’Dell Seneca fired him from his job as a county juvenile probation officer for alleging that a direct supervisor was placing juveniles at a facility where the supervisor’s girlfriend worked.

O’Dell Seneca told the Valley Independent that recent events had little effect on her decision to retire, “other than it’s made me think about [retirement] again.” She said the timing of her retirement will allow candidates for her seat enough time to prepare for the campaigns.