Law in Peepular Culture

Congratulations to the winners of Peeps in Law 2016: Peep Wars

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It was a great year for our annual diorama contest, Peeps in Law. Truly, the Force was with you all. And now the Peeple have spoken, and we can announce the top vote-getters from the eight finalists!

First Place

In first place, with 48.13 percent of the vote: To Peep or Not to Peep, That is the Question, submitted by Legislative Intent Service, Inc.

To Peep or Not to Peep diorama

This take on the legal battle between Apple and the FBI over whether the company should help the feds unlock the smartphones of suspects was delightful, and we’re very pleased for the winners. Congratulations!

Second Place

In second place was Peepy Lobby, submitted by Fang and the Gang.

Peepy Lobby diorama

Combining the famous Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case with a lesser known discrimination case filed by a transgender employee against Hobby Lobby, the creators of this diorama commented: “Welcome to ‘Peepy Lobby’—a family-oriented employer—where employees can bring all their many many children to work and can use the restroom, as long as they use the right one!”

Third Place

And in third place, The Peeps Marshmallow Trial by Anne from Arlington, Virginia; and J, from Falls Church, Virginia.

Scopes Marshmallow Trial

This was a sugary take on the Scopes Monkey Trial, with peeps asking the all-important philosophical and scientific question: Are we descended from marshmallows, or were we created by a higher authority?

Congratulations to the winners, and a hearty thank you to everyone who entered. For everyone else: You have another 11 months to plan and execute your very own diorama. Get crafting!

Fine Print: See the full contest rules here.

Related galleries:

Peep Wars: 2016 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Game of Peeps: 2015 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Peeps in Law 2014: Sugar Anniversary Edition: 2014 Peeps in Law Gallery.