Criminal Justice

Comedian’s Bail Attempt is No Joke

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A comedian who disagrees with harsh penalties for drug offenses has put up $25,000 in an effort to post bail for the girlfriend of the so-called preppy killer.

Randy Credico tried to raise the money from donors for Shawn Kovell but put up his own money when his effort failed, the New York Times reports. Kovell was arrested along with Robert Chambers Jr. on Oct. 22 on suspicion of selling drugs out of their New York apartment. Chambers is known for his guilty plea in the strangling death of a woman who died in Central Park during what he said was rough sex.

Credico’s bail attempt may not succeed. Kovell’s court-appointed lawyer, Franklin Rothman, says the judge is unlikely to approve use of the bail money because Kovell does not know Credico and has no incentive to make sure he gets his money back by returning to court.

“She doesn’t know Randy Credico from a hole in the wall,” Rothman said. “I don’t want this to sound like somehow I’m trying to keep her in. I’d love for her to get out, if I could, and if she had a place to go.”

Rothman said the landlord is seeking to evict the couple for failing to pay about $9,000 in rent.