Law Schools

Columbia Law School Ranked Best for Career Prospects

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The best law school for career prospects is Columbia and the best for classroom experience is Stanford, according to new rankings by the Princeton Review.

The results were based on a survey of 18,000 law students and, in some instances, school-reported data, according to a Princeton Review press release. The New York Post noted Columbia’s top ranking and data showing that nearly all of its graduates were employed nine months after graduation. “What job crisis?” the New York Post asks.

Last year, Northwestern law school was ranked No. 1 for career prospects.

The Princeton Review named the top law schools in 11 categories. They include:

• Best Career Prospects: Columbia University

• Best Classroom Experience: Stanford University

• Best Professors: Duke University

• Most Competitive Students: Baylor University

• Best Quality of Life: University of Virginia

• Best Environment for Minority Students: University of Hawaii at Manoa

TaxProf Blog has additional coverage.

Updated on Oct. 10 to link to coverage by TaxProf Blog.

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