Criminal Justice

Children Kidnap Tot, Mom Foils Plot

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Two girls, age 10 and 12, are being held by Enid, Okla., authorities for allegedly breaking into a neighboring home as Sheila Wells slept, kidnapping her 1-year-old son, Brandon, at 5:30 a.m. yesterday and holding him for ransom.

The two girls, whose names were not revealed because they are juveniles, are being held in a local juvenile detention center. Police say they left a note in Wells’ home demanding that $200,000 be placed on a sofa there to insure the boy’s safe return, but the plot began to go awry when their mother saw them with the boy and started looking for Wells’ phone number, the AP reports. At that point, the older girl allegedly went to Wells’ home and blamed the younger one for taking Brandon, and Wells rushed over to retrieve him.

“I’ve been doing this 18 1/2 years, and this is the first time I know of when a 10- and a 12-year-old kidnapped a 1-year-old,” said Capt. Dean Grassino of the local police. “It definitely ranks up there with the unusual crimes.”