
Check out these internet-famous animals whose agent is also a lawyer (gallery)

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Loni Edwards

Loni Edwards and Chloe the mini Frenchie in Italy. Photo courtesy of Loni Edwards.

New York City-based lawyer Loni Edwards always she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.

“My whole life, my goal was always to be a lawyer,” she recently told the ABA Journal.

But she also had an entrepreneurial itch.

“I wanted to do something more creative,” she said.

So she started a fashion tech company.

“I was alone all the time working and wanted a little friend to sit with me on the couch, so I got a dog,” she said.

In 2013, Edwards made a separate Instagram account for Chloe, a miniature French bulldog, in case people didn’t want to see endless pictures and videos of her pet on her own account. At the time, dog influencers weren’t really trendy.

“Chloe changed my life completely. Looking at her would just make me so happy. I couldn’t get enough of taking photos and videos of her, and I wanted to share that with my friends and family,” she said.

Edwards was able to turn her love of animals into a full-time job. She is now the founder and CEO of the Dog Agency, a talent management company that connects animal-focused social media accounts with commercial opportunities. Edwards is also founder of PetCon, an annual multicity conference.