
Casey Anthony Prosecutor Is Shocked by Acquittal, Plans Retirement

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One of the Florida prosecutors in the Casey Anthony trial says he was shocked when jurors acquitted the defendant of murder.

Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton told NBC’s Today Show that he was bitterly disappointed, the Orlando Sentinel reports. When the verdict was announced, “I think I mouthed the word ‘Wow’ five times,” Ashton said.

Anthony was found guilty of four counts of providing false information to law enforcement, but she was acquitted of more serious charges of murder, manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.

Ashton plans to retire on Friday from the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s office, the Orlando Sentinel reports in a separate story. The 53-year-old lawyer has worked in the office for 30 years. Ashton was one of the first prosecutors in the nation to use DNA evidence.

Prior coverage: “Casey Anthony Guilty of Providing False Info, Acquitted of First-Degree Murder and Manslaughter” “Little-Known Defense Lawyer Stuns Observers with Big Win for Casey Anthony in His First Capital Case”

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