Personal Lives

Casebook Caper (Don't Try This at Home ... )

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Apparently fed up with real estate finance, an Indiana law student has been arrested for allegedly shooting his casebook.

Jesse Sneed, 27, a third-year student at Indiana University School of Law, was charged with criminal recklessness after the incident last week, writes the Wall Street Journal Law Blog. He has reportedly been suspended by the law school.

When authorities arrived at the scene of Sneed’s apartment in Bloomington, “the book was found in the parking lot, shot clean through by two rounds,” reports the blog, relying on information from investigators. Sneed allegedly had an AR-15 and an AK-47 in his apartment, and is accused of shooting from the balcony, apparently aiming at the casebook.

Reached by the WSJ, co-author Dale Whitman, was surprised but philosophical about the incident. “I’ve had people that say my scholarship is shot through with holes,” he notes, “but I’ve never had anyone prove it literally.”

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