Cartoon Caption Contest

Cartoon Poll: Which clown caption tickles your funny bone?

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Poll: Which clown caption tickles your funny bone?

  • 39.29%
    “They say you are entitled to a trial by a jury of your peers. This defendant must be a real Bozo!”
  • 36.11%
    “There was a typo in the jury duty notice. It said, ‘Circus Court,’ not ‘Circuit Court.’ ”
  • 24.6%
    “Actually, the really strange thing is that I recognize some of those guys from law school.”

Jury duty is no joking matter, or is it? We laughed through more than 300 entries for this month’s cartoon caption contest. But we need your help deciding the winner. The caption that gets the most votes will appear in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Vote in the cartoon poll for one of the captions listed below:

• “There was a typo in the jury duty notice. It said, ‘Circus Court,’ not ‘Circuit Court.’ ” —Submitted by Daniel R. Kubiak of Grand Rapids, Michigan

• “They say you are entitled to a trial by a jury of your peers. This defendant must be a real Bozo!” —Submitted by Marla H. Norton of Wilmington, Delaware

• “Actually, the really strange thing is that I recognize some of those guys from law school.” —Submitted by Christopher Potter of Salem, Oregon

How to vote: Using our poll, select the caption you think best fits the scene depicted in the cartoon.

Voting period: The poll closes at 11:59 p.m. CT on Sunday, Oct. 28.

What’s the prize? Bragging rights. Plus, the winning caption and credit to the caption writer will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.

For complete rules, click this link. To view winning cartoons from this year, check out this gallery or follow the Cartoon Caption Contest RSS feed.