Cartoon Poll: Vote for the canine caption that has the highest pedigree
Which one of these captions gets your tail a-waggin’? We chewed on more than 70 submissions and need your help picking the winner. The caption that gets the most votes will appear in an upcoming issue of the magazine.
Vote in the cartoon poll for one of the captions listed below:
• “Their final offer is no time at the pound but two months wearing a collar, on leash at the park at all times, and you have to tell them where you buried the bones.” —Submitted by Peter B. Winterburn of Memphis, Tennessee
• “No, I won’t be competing. This year, I’m a judge.” —Submitted by Cynthia Burham
• “Which bench do you sit on?” —Submitted by Andrew P. Bautista of Wood Dale, Illinois
How to vote: Using our poll, select the caption you think best fits the scene depicted in the cartoon.
Voting period: The poll closes at 11:59 p.m. CT on Sunday, April 28.
What’s the prize? Bragging rights. Plus, the winning caption and credit to the caption writer will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.
For complete rules, click this link. To view winning cartoons from this year, check out this gallery or follow the Cartoon Caption Contest RSS feed.
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