Supreme Court Nominations

By 13-6 Vote, Judiciary Committee Sends Sotomayor to Full Senate

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Casting their ballots along party lines, the Senate Judiciary Committee today voted 13-6 to endorse Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination by President Barack Obama for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Her nomination will now be voted on by the full Senate, and is expected to be approved by a comfortable margin given the decisive majority of Democratic lawmakers there, reports the New York Times.

All 12 Democrats but only one of the seven Republicans on the committee endorsed Sotomayor. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who is the ranking Republican on the committee, said in a USA Today op-ed article today that he doubts Sotomayor “has the deep-rooted convictions necessary to resist the siren call of judicial activism,” the Times notes.

Additional coverage:

CQ Politics: “Senate Judiciary Approves Sotomayor Nomination”

Hispanosphere (Orlando Sentinel): “Sotomayor confirmation is source of pride for Latino groups”

Washington Post: “Senate Panel Votes 13-6 in Favor of Sotomayor”

Updated at 11:51 a.m. to link to additional coverage.

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