U.S. Supreme Court

Business High Court Successes, By the Numbers

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Business interests are seeing increasing success before a U.S. Supreme Court that is concerned about the costs of litigation to corporate defendants and the economy.

The numbers help tell the story.

Last term the National Chamber Litigation Center, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s litigation arm, won 13 out of 15 cases in which it filed amicus brief last term, the ABA Journal reports in its October CLE feature, “The Company Line.”

The chamber is racking up victories not only on the merits but also in its cert-stage amicus briefs, SCOTUSblog reports. The chamber successfully urged the court to accept cert in about a quarter of the cases in which it filed amicus briefs over roughly a three-year period, according to a chart compiled by the blawg.

Other business-oriented groups had even better numbers. The National Association of Homebuilders had about a 36 percent cert success rate, and the National Association of Manufacturers had about a 32 percent success rate.

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