Trials & Litigation

Burger Lover Files Suit Against White Castle, Says Too-Small Booths Violate ADA

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A longtime fan of White Castle burgers who weighs 290 pounds has filed a federal lawsuit in Manhattan over the size of the booths in the fast-food chain’s restaurants.

Martin Kessman, who works as a stockbroker and says he has been eating White Castle burgers in the Bronx since 1959, contends the lack of adequate seating violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, reports the Journal News.

He says he received several patronizing letters from White Castle in response to his initial complaints about the seating issue and now has his wife pick up the food he orders there.

A spokesman for White Castle tells the newspaper that the chain tries to make its customers comfortable but can’t instantly remodel all 420 of its restaurants nationwide.

“We have chairs available for people rather than having them sit in booths,” if chairs are needed, said Jamie Richardson. “We try to cover all of our bases. We were surprised by the lawsuit.”