Criminal Justice

Book by Casey Anthony Prosecutor Is 'Relentless, Scathing and Blunt'

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Image courtesy of HarperCollins

Casey Anthony prosecutor Jeff Ashton says in a new book released today that the acquitted defendant is a liar who offered differing versions of what happened to her daughter.

Defense lawyers bought the fourth version—that Casey Anthony’s father killed Caylee Anthony, Ashton writes in Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony. The Orlando Sentinel reports on Ashton’s assertions.

According to the book, Anthony told two mental health experts that her daughter drowned in the family pool, and her father killed her. The defense decided not to offer testimony by those experts after the prosecution sought to have its own mental health expert interview Casey Anthony, the Sentinel says in its story on the book.

“I have seen my share of liars, but never one quite like this,” Ashton writes, referring to Casey Anthony. “In many ways, I think the defense came to mirror the client they represented.” Ashton says he genuinely disliked defense lawyer Jose Baez, calling him a “consummate salesman” who displays “unearned arrogance.” Ashton told the Sentinel the book could lead to more ethics inquiries.

The Sentinel calls the book “undeniably Ashton-esque—relentless, scathing and blunt in its criticism of Casey Anthony, her defense team, the Anthony family and the jury that found the young woman not-guilty in the 2008 death of her daughter.”

The Associated Press also has a story.

Prior coverage: “Casey Anthony Prosecutor Is Shocked by Acquittal, Plans Retirement”

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