Internet Law

Blogger Gears Up for Legal Battle Over Goldman Sachs Critique

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A major Wall Street investment bank has apparently retained a well-known New York City-based law firm in an effort to curtail a blogger’s critical posts.

But blogger Mike Morgan says he isn’t intimidated by the cease-and-desist letter he recently received from Chadbourne & Parke concerning his blog, Facts about Goldman Sachs, reports the Telegraph. (The full text of Chadbourne’s April 8 letter is posted on Morgan’s blog.)

A similar battle a few years ago with a United States homebuilder over another critical blog, he says, left him well-equipped to handle the intellectual property issues asserted by Chadbourne:

“Since I went through this with Lennar, I’ve had advice from some of the best intellectual property lawyers, and I know exactly what I can and can’t do. We’re not going to back down from this,” Morgan told the United Kingdom newspaper.

The ABA Journal’s requests for comment from the Chadbourne partner whose name was on the posted letter to Morgan did not immediately receive a response.

Additional and related coverage: “In ‘Fig Leaf’ Settlement With Jones Day, Website Agrees to Adjust Use of Links”

Bloomberg: “Goldman Sachs Love Blog Is Now for Sale to Anyone: Matthew Lynn”

Connecticut Law Tribune: “Goldman Sachs Threatens Blogger With Legal Action”

Updated at 2:50 p.m. on April 20 to link to subsequent Bloomberg an Connecticut Law Tribune coverage.