Law Firms

Big-Firm Lawyers Posed for Hottie Calendar

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It may not have the sexy appeal of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, but a new hottie lawyers calendar features photos that may be just as interesting, at least to the Massachusetts legal community.

The calendar features 12 lawyers from the state. There isn’t a one wearing a swimsuit. The sexiest photo may be of Wendy Savage, an in-house lawyer for Liberty Mutual who poses in an evening dress with a plunging neckline.

Some of the lawyer-models work for well-known law firms, including Kreindler & Kreindler, Duane Morris, Sullivan & Worcester, Fish & Richardson, and Ropes & Gray. The big-firm lawyers appear in yoga pants, jeans, equestrian attire and gym shorts.

The Boston Globe has posted the color photos of the lawyers, both male and female, who posed for the calendar to benefit Greater Boston Legal Services and other charities.

About 500 lawyers applied to appear in the calendar, the Boston Globe reports in an accompanying story. Savage, a former model, told the newspaper she doesn’t care if people think her photo is too revealing. “If someone wants to drink the hater-ade, then they can do so,” she said.