Being Available During Holidays Proved Fortuitous for Steptoe Associate, Now VP at AOL
AOL’s new senior vice president of government affairs can thank being one of the few working during the holidays at her firm for her career moving in the direction of telecommunications law.
After graduating from Columbia Law School, Tekedra M. Jefferson was working as an associate at Steptoe and Johnson with a focus on employment issues. Then, during the holidays, she fielded an e-mail from a partner who wondered if anyone was around to help research a telecommunications issue.
Jefferson volunteered, and a career was launched.
“The issue ended up being so fascinating to me. I was hooked. After that assignment, I kept doing telecommunications, and then after eight months, I integrated it with intellectual property work,” Jefferson told the Washington Post.
From there, Jefferson rose to senior corporate counsel at Startec Global Communications and eventually moved to AOL, where before her December promotion, she was vice president and chief counsel for public policy and regulatory issues.
Also see:
AOL (news release): “AOL Promotes Tekedra M. Jefferson to Lead Global Gov’t Affairs; Announces New Corporate Secretary”