Legal Technology

Before iPad Rollout, Proskauer IS Chief Considered Apps, Cloud, Permitted Uses

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Proskauer Rose had to wrestle with a lot of questions before it gave its lawyers a choice between new iPads and desktops, or a Hewlett-Packard laptop.

InfoWorld lists the issues: Should lawyers pay for apps? Which ones are mandatory? Can lawyers use iPads for personal entertainment? And how do you manage security concerns?

Five hundred out of 700 lawyers chose the iPad. Before the rollout, the firm’s information services chief Malcolm Collingwood wrote a lengthy policy manual answering the questions, the story says.

InfoWorld lists his choices. Collingwood chose MobileIron to manage and secure the iPads. The company allows users to register their iPads and receive a security certificate. Mandatory apps are GoodReader for iPad, to read and mark up PDF documents, and Documents to Go Premium, to read and edit Microsoft Office documents. The firm will pick up the cost of both.

Collingwood told lawyers they shouldn’t use cloud-based services because of confidentiality concerns. But the firm will be using Apple’s new iCloud service, unveiled in June.

And what about personal use? It’s allowed. Collingwood told InfoWorld he doubted he could do anything to prevent it, in any event.

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