Beating of character in Scalia mask in 'Scream Queens' shows liberal intolerance, justice's son says
Image of cast and crew for Scream Queens courtesy of Frank Micelotta/FOX.
A school dean played by actress Jamie Lee Curtis in the TV show Scream Queens gets at least one thing right when she fights off three attackers, two of them dressed as red devils and a third wearing a mask of Justice Antonin Scalia, according to the justice’s son.
Curtis pronounces Scalia’s name correctly, Christopher Scalia writes for the Weekly Standard. But Curtis’ character, Dean Cathy Munsch, mischaracterizes Antonin Scalia’s views and the scene raises questions about media double standards, Christopher Scalia says.
“How would the left react if, say, a rodeo clown wore the mask of a Democratic president?” the justice’s son writes. “It turns out that liberals own their fair share of the hatred and intolerance, incivility and rage that the right is supposed to monopolize.”
In such scenes, Christopher Scalia writes, “the violent anger of many on the left is unmasked.”
The justice’s son quotes and then refutes Munsch’s lines, said as she uses martial arts to fight the ax-wielding intruder wearing the Scalia mask:
• “The homosexual lifestyle is not destructive to the fabric of American society!” But Scalia’s dissent in the Obergefell ruling, which found a constitutional right to gay marriage, was accusing the court of threatening democracy by usurping the role of the legislature, Christopher Scalia says.
• “The Voting Rights Act should be authorized in every state!” But the court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder invalidated one element of the Voting Rights Act affecting nine states and certain counties, rather than the entire law, Christopher Scalia says.
• “And the Affordable Care Act does not require people to eat broccoli!” Christopher Scalia says that this remark is an apparent reference to oral arguments in which his father commented about the possibility of making people buy broccoli, which was intended to demonstrate the law’s slippery slope.
Scream Queens, which is produced by FOX, is a horror parody set in a college sorority. A recap clip of the episode “Mommie Dearest” shows a brief glimpse of the scene in question.
Hat tip to the Advocate.
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