
Balanced Life Was a Choice, Ex BigLaw Associate Says

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As a successful New York attorney, it was the rule, rather than the exception, for her to work both Saturday and Sunday every week, writes an attorney identified only as “Beth” in a Becky and Hollee blog post.

That didn’t leave time for dating, let alone marrying and starting a family, or other things she wanted to include in her life, such as vacations, friends, family and hobbies. So Beth moved to an in-house counsel job in Los Angeles, which offered her the opportunity she wanted to have a life outside the office. And now she’s left the practice of law entirely and started her own business.

More important than the change of job and location, however, was the change of attitude that made her new life possible, Beth writes.

Although she is still unmarried, six years after she moved to Los Angeles, “I have a life that is rich in professional challenges, and my cup is full with friends, family, traveling adventures, and learning,” she says. Looking back at her old life in New York, she is thankful that she “took a chance at a new one in which my future, my next logical step, is entirely of my own design.”

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