Internet Law

As Lawmaker's Facebook Page Is Hacked, Blogger Warns: Beware the 'Random Angry Dweeb'

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A new state lawmaker in Missouri has reportedly been trumpeted to the world as a friend of lobbyists who loves the “awesome” freebies her job provides.

But of course she didn’t provide that update on her Facebook page yesterday, says Rep. Donna Lichtenegger, a Republican, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

“I’ve been hacked,” she states.

It could have been worse, according to columnist Dan Tynan.

Hackers can readily obtain passwords to many Facebook accounts, other social networking sites and e-mail, he says. And one now-admitted criminal has made a habit lately of doing so to surf for nude photos of women online, which he then publicly distributes, writes Tynan in ITworldTY4NS.

He warns readers to beware of the “random angry dweeb,” and urges them to secure their passwords and any explicit photos.

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