Law Schools

Ariz. Justice Project Expands, Moves to Law School

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The Arizona Justice Project, which for the last 10 years has worked on a shoestring to exonerate the wrongfully convicted, is getting a makeover and a new home thanks to a $150,000 grant from the state bar’s foundation.

With the grant money, the Justice Project will move from the firm Osborn Maledon to the the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, according to a contributed piece in the Arizona Republic.

In addition to the move, the Justice Project will get its first full-time staff, including an executive director, development director and administrative assistant.

“The Arizona Justice Project has long set a high standard for the quality of its work in its pursuit of the rights of those who have been denied the justice our legal system has been set up to guarantee,” Law school Dean Patricia White is quoted saying. “The quality of the legal work its volunteers have provided, and the enormous commitment to justice that they have shown, have made it a national exemplar.”

Civil rights lawyer Carrie Sperling, a visiting associate clinical professor at the law school, will be the inaugural executive director.

“You learn that mistakes can be made, innocent people convicted,” Sperling said about working with the Justice Project. “Someone has to hold the system accountable.”