Question of the Week

Are You Satisfied at Your Job? Are Your Parents and Siblings Satisfied at Their Jobs?

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We noted in a post this week a study of 1,772 people asserting that while individuals who dislike their jobs can probably give you a host of external reasons why they do, disliking one’s job might be an inherited tendency. The study found that people with the dopamine receptor gene tend to be less satisfied with their jobs, and people with the serotonin transporter gene tend to be more satisfied.

So this week, we’d like to survey our readers: Are you satisfied at your job? How do your parents, siblings and others with your DNA feel about their own jobs? Have you been satisfied, at least up to a point, at every job you’ve had, or dissatisfied at every job you’ve ever had? Or do you think that the theory of a link between dopamine, serotonin and job satisfaction is bunk?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Should Personal Info on the Web Have an Expiration Date?

Featured answer:

Posted by James Grimmelmann: “It would be a fairly obvious violation of the First Amendment. A privacy right that requires the suppression of publicly available information is, in Eugene Volokh’s words, ‘a right to stop people from speaking about you.’ After IMS v. Sorrell, a government-mandated memory hole is not going to fly.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, please contact us.