Law Firms

Akerman to Merge With WolfBlock?

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Two well-known law firms based in Florida and Philadelphia are reportedly getting serious about a proposal to combine forces to create a national platform and join the BigLaw ranks.

Akerman Senterfitt and WolfBlock are in advanced merger discussions, according to unnamed sources. And the talks have already resolved the issue of their married name: Akerman Wolf, reports the Daily Business Review.

A potential roadblock, however, is the unfunded pension plan at WolfBlock, the article says. “Midlevel attorneys at Akerman are reluctant to back the merger because of the financial liability it could cause them. One offer on the table entails a year-long probationary merger, after which the parties could back out, a source said.”

With nearly 500 lawyers and consultants concentrated in Miami and six other Florida offices, Akerman Senterfitt is the larger of the two potential law firm marriage partners. It also has outposts in Los Angeles, Madison, Wis., New York City, Vienna, Va., and Washington, D.C. WolfBlock has about 300 lawyers in the Northeast.

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