
After BigLaw Deferral, 2008 Grad Finds New Job as a Judge

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Having his start date deferred from a BigLaw job in Chicago turned out to be a positive career development for a 2008 graduate of Georgetown University Law Center.

Forced to look for other work, Michael Edwards found a U.S. Navy job in Indiana that made use of his law degree and military background. “The pay was better than BigLaw, with the cost of living difference, and the offer afforded me the opportunity to return to my hometown in southern Indiana and take some clients on the side,” he tells Above the Law.

Then, he found out about a job opening on the municipal court bench and applied. In an order (PDF) several days ago, the Indiana Supreme Court appointed Edwards a temporary judge of Bicknell City Court, to fill a vacancy created when the former judge was suspended.

The judicial job is, he notes, “not quite on the same prestige level” as working as a clerk for a U.S. Supreme Court justice, but he is happy and excited to have it.

Meanwhile, Edwards has also been busy on other fronts. He got married earlier this month and established his own law firm yesterday, where he hopes to hire a clerk soon, the ATL blog recounts.

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