Criminal Justice

Accused Miller Canfield Lawyer Says Only Drug Link Is Viagra Pill

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A Miller Canfield lawyer accused of acting as general counsel to a motorcycle gang claims he is being prosecuted for advising a defendant to remain silent.

Hatim “Tim” Attalla, who is of counsel at the law firm, was indicted in May on a drug conspiracy charge and accused of acting as consigliere for the Highwaymen Motorcycle Club. Attalla’s lawyer, Thomas Cranmer, fired back in a court filing on Thursday, according to stories in the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press.

Attalla is being prosecuted for advising a suspected gang member to remain silent and for furnishing him with a single Viagra pill, Cranmer claims.

“There is no evidence—none—to support the allegation that Mr. Attalla engaged in any conduct that was even remotely criminal,” the document filed by Cranmer says. “Mr. Attalla has never owned a motorcycle helmet, let alone a motorcycle.”

“The most illicit narcotic to which the government seeks to tie Mr. Attalla—after hundreds of hours of wiretaps—is the prescription drug Viagra based on his provision to a single co-defendant of a single pill that was given to him as a sample by his personal physician,” the filing says.

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