Supreme Court Nominations

About 10 People Said to Be on Supreme Court Short List; Clinton Isn’t One of Them

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The Supreme Court short list isn’t so short any more.

Earlier this week, the buzz centered on three people said to be on the short list to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens: federal appeals judges Merrick Garland and Diane Wood, and Solicitor General Elena Kagan.

Now administration officials say about 10 people are under consideration, according to the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal (sub. req.). Says the Wall Street Journal, “The list was part politics, as the White House sought to show it was casting a broad net.”

One new name on the list is that of Judge Sidney Thomas of Montana, who sits on the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Two others are Harvard Law School dean Martha Minow and Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren, who is the congressional overseer for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, CNN reports.

The Wall Street Journal published eight names on the list: Kagan, Garland, Wood, Thomas, Minow, former Georgia Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The Wall Street Journal’s list did not include Warren.

One person who is not on the short list is Hillary Clinton. Press secretary Robert Gibbs said President Obama plans to keep her as secretary of state.

Prior coverage: “Who Will Replace Stevens? Three Likely Picks Emerge, as Others Engage in ‘Bizarro’ Speculation”

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