Midyear Meeting

ABA Urges Easier Bar Admission for Lawyers Who Are Military Spouses

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Military spouses who are also lawyers have unique needs when forced to move frequently, and bar officials should accommodate them, according to a resolution passed unanimously on Monday by the ABA House of Delegates.

Resolution 108 urges state and local bar admission authorities to offer accommodations for these lawyers that include:

• “Admission by endorsement” to allow military spouse attorneys who are licensed in good standing in one or more jurisdictions to be admitted without examination in another. The admission should be conditioned on good moral character, compliance with CLE and ethical requirements, a showing that there are no current or pending disciplinary actions, and proof that the lawyer is in the jurisdiction because of a military spouse’s service.

• Reduced bar application and membership fees for military spouse attorneys who are new to the jurisdiction or who want to retain bar membership in former jurisdictions.

The ABA Commission on Women in the Profession was among the sponsors of the resolution.

Related coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Lawyer Who Backs Easier Bar Admission for Military Spouse JDs Is Contest Finalist”