Annual Meeting 2008

ABA Supports International Criminal Court

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The United States should be more involved with the International Criminal Court, even though the United States doesn’t recognize the ICC’s authority over members of the U.S. government, according to a resolution passed this afternoon by the ABA’s 555-member policy-making House of Delegates.

The House urged the government to cooperate with the court’s investigations and proceedings and participate in the court’s governing body—including in an upcoming conference to review the court’s operations.

Concerned the court would target U.S. soldiers, the Bush administration has refused to participate in the court’s workings and has encouraged allies to also avoid involvement in the court.

“The ICC has been castigated as a threat to U.S. interests. Those criticisms, however, were made before the ICC established a track record. After six years of operation, the ICC has proven itself to be a responsible judicial institution. The ICC has undertaken four investigations in Africa of particularly horrendous situations, and it has acted prudently and without political bias,” according to the report for Resolution 108A (PDF).

The resolution passed by an overwhelming voice vote. No one spoke in opposition.

Annual Meeting 2008:

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