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A Wisconsin Prosecutor Moves On, Citing State Budget Woes

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An assistant district attorney in Wisconsin is citing the state’s targeting of public employees in his decision to jump to a similar job in Minnesota.

Jonathan Holets told the Superior Telegram that he enjoyed working in the Douglas County District Attorney’s office in Wisconsin, but he saw better opportunities across the state line. He has accepted a job in the criminal division of the St. Louis County Attorney’s office in Minnesota.

“It’s a selfish, personal decision I guess,” Holets told the Superior Telegram. “There’s more room for growth; you get raises over there; it’s easier to make that a career track position because of the way the state of Minnesota views this position versus the state of Wisconsin.”

Pay for assistant district attorneys in Wisconsin has been frozen at $48,000 for years, the story says, and furlough days have reduced paychecks even more. Increases in health care premiums and pension costs will further cut salaries.

Meanwhile, the judiciary may also feel the pinch. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget cuts would “gut” public financing for state supreme court races, NPR reports. Instead, financing provided by a voluntary tax write-off, “which would far limit the amount of public financing available,” according to NPR.

Related coverage: “GOP Senators in Wis. Do End Run Around Absent Dems, Find Way to Vote on Collective Bargaining Bill”

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