
After Bryan Cave Merger, a Significant Number of Holme Roberts Partners Are Now Counsel

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After its merger with St. Louis-based Bryan Cave, about 18 of the partners from Denver’s revered Holme Roberts & Owen are now listed as counsel on the firm’s attorney roster, the Denver Business Journal reports.

But only a “handful” of these changes among the more than 80 partners who came from Holme Roberts reflect anything other than a recognition of a fait accompli prior to the merger, according to Randy Miller. He serves as managing partner of Bryan Cave HRO’s offices in Colorado.

Partners who became of counsel “are people who have been practicing for 40 or 50 years” and semi-retired or headed toward full retirement, he told the Business Journal. “We’ve changed their titles just to reconcile with Bryan Cave’s titles.”

Additional and related coverage: “Holme Roberts Expands in Calif., Plans to Close Gap Between Last Year’s $380K PPP and $450K RPL” “It’s Official: Holme Roberts and Bryan Cave Are Joining Forces” “In Buyer’s Market for Clients, More Law Firms Face Choice: Merge or Die” “Law Firm Mergers Help Push Unwanted Partners Out the Door, Recruiter Says”

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