Legal Ethics

Criminal Judges Hire DA's Wife as Consultant With State Agency's OK

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Although some see a problem with a decision by at least seven Texas judges to hire the wife of the local district attorney as a political consultant, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct has OK’d the arrangement.

As long as there’s no quid pro quo, says commission director Seana Willing, “it shouldn’t be an issue” reports the Dallas Morning News. If the judges disclose the arrangement to defense attorneys, this “may take care of any appearance” of a problem, she adds.

Tanya Watkins, who is the wife of Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins, tells the newspaper that she started the consulting business only after the commission assured her it would not be illegal.

Others see the situation differently.

“The relationship poses a conflict of interest. That conflict is broader than Mr. Watkins himself. It applies to his whole office,” says Craig McDonald of Texans for Public Justice, a nonprofit watchdog.

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