Legal Ethics

2nd-Time Ex-Lawyer Pleads Guilty in 2nd Client Theft Case

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Disbarred in1988 after he was convicted and sentenced to prison for felony theft from a client, Marvin Earl “Toby’’ Alback got his law license reinstated a little over a decade later.

But now the 62-year-old is an ex-lawyer again, having given up his license last year amidst allegations of unethical conduct. And today the former Montana practitioner pleaded guilty in federal court to bankruptcy and wire fraud charges for misappropriating money from a second set of clients, reports the Billings Gazette.

He faces as much as 20 years in prison and a a top fine, but avoids additional charges and sentencing enhancements by agreeing to plead guilty and limit his rights on appeal, the newspaper says.

Earlier coverage:

Billings Gazette: “Attorney who quit can be disciplined, court rules”