Juvenile Justice

10-Year-Old Ohio Boy Accused of Mom’s Shooting Death

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A 10-year-old Ohio boy is charged with murder in a delinquency petition that accuses him of shooting and killing his mother on Sunday with a .22-caliber rifle.

The victim, Deborah McVay, is a 46-year-old home health care provider, according to CentralOhio.com and ABC News. Investigators believe the rifle was a present from the boy’s grandfather, according to The-Daily-Record.com. Other guns were also found in the home, including a loaded 12-gauge shotgun found on the boy’s bed along with the weapon used in the shooting, The-Daily-Record.com says.

The boy can be heard in the background of a neighbor’s 911 call saying, “Come as fast as they can. I shot my mom. I shot her with a gun.” CentralOhio.com describes the boy as “cherubic faced” and says he clutched a wad of tissues as his lawyer entered a plea that is the equivalent of “not guilty” in juvenile court.

Holmes County prosecutor Steven Knowling said statements by the boy and a witness indicate that the shooting was intentional, according to CentralOhio.com.

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