ABA Journal

Latest News

First Amendment

Law profs seek to overturn New York law requiring their ethics complaints to be secret

Privacy Law

Leaked helicopter footage from police shows close-ups of sunbathers, infrared look inside buildings

Trials & Litigation

In ‘rocky prosecution’ of Kyle Rittenhouse, assistant DA angers judge, tackles difficult case

Death Penalty

Executioner was convinced he would be condemned to hell; others also suffer long-term effects

Litigation Management

Is it foolish to litigate pro se?

Law Professors

Only 2 women make list of most cited legal scholars


Judge is suspended for jailing spectator after she refused drug test

Criminal Justice

Another lawyer drops his pants to get through courthouse metal detector

Law Firms

Some law firms try to keep their lawyers under the radar in misguided effort to keep them


Judge gets reprimand partly for this Facebook advice to shoplifters: To avoid arrests, don’t sport green hair

Fourth Amendment

2nd Circuit upholds temporary seizure of guns from people taken to mental health facilities

Law Firms

Lawyers and staffers at just 3 BigLaw firms gave more money to Trump than Biden

Health Law

$465M verdict against maker of opioids is tossed; top state court finds no public nuisance

Military & Veterans

ABA grants will help legal services providers reach more veterans in Texas

The Modern Law Library

Discover the man behind ‘12 Angry Men’ and the real-life case that inspired him

Legislation & Lobbying

Laws said to encourage vigilante justice still in effect in most states

Law in Popular Culture

Judge remains on Santa’s ‘nice’ list despite tweeted order banning Elf on the Shelf

Law Firms

Path to BigLaw partnership gets longer for some, new survey finds

Bar Exam

Law grad’s petition blames software crash for bar exam failure, seeks law license

Law Firms

Kirkland & Ellis apparently wins huge fee in contingency case

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