ABA Notices

Uncontested 2004 State Delegate Elections

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According to § 6.3(a) of the American Bar Association Constitution, if only one valid nominating petition has been filed in a state where a State Delegate Election is being held, the Board of Elections shall certify to the House of Delegates that the sole nominee is elected. The Board certified the results in the uncontested states on December 17, 2003. The following State Delegates will serve three-year terms commencing at the adjournment of the 2004 Annual Meeting.

Alabama, Ernestine S. Sapp

New Mexico, Mary T. Torres

Alaska, Donna C. Willard-Jones

North Carolina, Larry S. McDevitt

Florida, Benjamin H. Hill, III

North Dakota, Kermit E. Bye

Hawaii, Alan Van Etten

Pennsylvania, H. Robert Fiebach

Kansas, Thomas A. Hamill

Tennessee, Howard H. Vogel

Kentucky, Charles E. English Sr.

Vermont, Peter F. Langrock

Massachusetts, Kay H. Hodg

Virginia, Roderick B. Mathews

Board of Elections

Justice Robert P. Young, Jr.

Hon. Ann C. Williams

Laurie Webb Daniel

State Delegate Nominations

The following persons accredited to the states named have filed petitions making nominations for the office of State Dele­gate. The term is for three years commencing at the adjournment of the 2004 Annual Meeting. The name of each con­test­ed nominee and the names of 25 signers of his/her petition are published be­low in accordance with Section 6.3(b) of the Constitution of the American Bar Asso­ci­ation.


PHILLIP FELDMAN of Sherman Oaks. Nominated by: Robert J. Glynn, Jr., Ra­phael Cotkin, Theodore J. England, Jay Plotkin, Parviz D. Darabi, Lawrence Moy, Byron J. Beam, Myles L. Berman, James I. Ham, Gerald F. Phillips, Lynette B. Robe, David B. Parker, Alicia J. Gonzales, William K. Mills, Jayesh Patel, Chris Rolin, Boyd S. Lemon, Paul N. Crane, H. John Khoukaz, Marc Kamens, Tamara Ekizian, Sam Ekizian, Keith Cordell Holmes, Phillip Feldman and John D. Barrett, Jr.

LAURIE D. ZELON of Los Angeles. Nominated by: Joanne M. Garvey, Hilary E. Ware, Brett R. Dick, Roy E. Crawford, Robert E. Borton, Curtis M. Caton, Mi­chael R. Faber, Teresa Maloney, Adam M. Cole, Judith, C. Miles, Patricia Phil­lips, Dan Marmalefsky, David Babbe, Raj Tanden, Shirley Hufstedler, Seth Hufstedler, John Phillip Olson, Joseph Gabai, Timothy F. Ryan, B. Scott Silver­man, John Sobieski, Robert Steven Stern, Sonia S. Waisman, A. Max Olson and Mar­vin Heileson.


DOREEN D. DODSON of St. Louis. Nominated by: Maury B. Poscover, R. Lawrence Ward, Jennifer Gille Bacon, Jack L. Campbell, Jay Levitch, Kathleen S. Schoene, Keith A. Birkes, Douglas A. Copeland, Malcolm L. Robertson, Karl W. Blanchard, Ronald E. Mitchell, Janice E. Hetland, S. Jerome Pratter, Geetha R. Sant, Charles Alan Seigel, William R. Bay, Elizabeth S. Eastman, Danielle T. Uy, Mona Lawton, Paul David Lawrence III, James W. Erwin, Roman P. Wuller, Mat­thew S. Darrough, Michael J. Morris and Gordon L. Ankney.

MICHAEL P. GUNN of St. Louis. Nominated by: Dennis J. Capriglione, Patricia A. Sexton, William R. Bay, Paul L. Wickens, Maury B. Poscover, Richard B. Teitelman, Jennifer G. Bacon, Ronald E. Mitchell, John R. Gunn, Alan E. De­Wos­kin, Corge Umlauf, Robert A. Ward, Jack Peace, Leland C. Bussell, B. Allen Garner, Marvin E. Wright, Frances D. Taylor, John W. Briscoe, Karen McCarthy, C. Ronald Baird, Richard J. Collins, Pat­rick M. O’Leary, Thomas C. Conroy, Tracy Gilroy and Donald Gunn. CHARLES A. WEISS of St. Louis. Nominated by: Thomas S. Rea, Randy J. Soriano, Peter W. Herzog III, Rebecca R. Jackson, Douglas W. King, Thomas E. Wack, Stephen G. Strauss, Bruce C. Oet­ter, Michael P. Burke, Terrence J. O’Toole, Stephen R. Snodgrass, Elizabeth C. Car­ver, Hollye S. Atwood, Zachary A. Hum­mel, Daniel M. O’Keefe, Mark B. Hillis, R. Randall Wang, David A. Roodman, Frederick W. Scherrer, Robert G. Lan­caster, Kenneth Lee Marshall, Robert J. Endicott, Roxana Wizorek, James H. Ferrick III and Steven M. Baumer.


SHAWN D. GUSE of Madison. Nominated by: Stephen C. Werner, Jr., Margaret E.M. Utterback, Sarah E. Coyne, Josephine K. Benkers, James W. Richgels, Kristin Graham Noel, Gregory T. Everts, Anupam Bhatheja, Kevin A. Delorey, An­thony A. Tomaselli, Donald K. Schott, Bennett J. Berson, Nicholas J. Seay, Jean C. Baker, Zhibin Ren, Joseph Cardamone III, Karin J. Wagner, Alan Hougum, Laura Dunek, Thomas N. Shorter, Todd W. Mar­tin, Nancy J. Delacenserie, Michael A. Dodge, Bonnie A. Wendorff and Dan­iel J. LaRocque.

RICHARD J. PODELL of Milwaukee. Nominated by: Angela B. Bartell, Rich­ard E. Reilly, Thomas W. St. John, Bruce M. Peckerman, Christina Plum, Robert A. Tep­er, F. William Haberman, Patrick Thom­as Sheedy, H. C. Humke, Anne Tay­lor Wadsack, Peggy L. Podell, James J. Podell, Patricia Ballman, James P. Ger­lach, Carlton D. Stansbury, Raymond E. Krek, Judith M. Hartig-Osanka, Judith Gorske McMullen, Jack Hoag, William E. McCarty, Susan Hansen, Robert George Pyzyk, Gregg Mark Herman, David J. Cannon and Alan H. Marcuvitz.

JOHN S. SKILTON of Madison. Nominated by: Joan F. Kessler, Peter J. Stone, Michael P. Matthews, Lisa S. Neu­bauer, Caroline A. Hogan, David W. Si­mon, James M. Caragher, Michael A. Bowen, James R. Clark, John R. Daw­son, Maurice J. McSweeney, James T. McKeown, Thomas L. Shriner, Jr., Jodi L. Malk, Kevin P. Whaley, Steven A. Heinzen, Josh Johanningmeier, Linda M. Clifford, Richard M. Burnham, Peter L. Albrecht, Jennifer Cotner, Jennifer L. Peterson, Kendall W. Harrison, Mark A. Frankel and Jake C. Blavat.

Board of Elections

Justice Robert P. Young, Jr.

Hon. Ann C. Williams

Laurie Webb Daniel

Amendments to the Constitution And Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Ameri­can Bar Association may be amended only at the ABA Annual Meeting upon action of the House of Delegates. The next An­nual Meeting of the House of Delegates will be August 9-10, 2004 in Atlanta, Georgia. Proposals to amend either the Con­sti­tu­tion or Bylaws may be submitted by any ABA member. It is preferable that propo­sals be submitted in the form of a memorandum that details the purpose and ef­fect of the proposal.

In order to be considered at the 2004 Annual Meeting, a proposed amendment must be received by the Division for Pol­icy Administration at the American Bar Center on or before Friday, March 12, 2004. This deadline is essential in order to allow time for proposed amendments to be considered by the Standing Com­mittee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Exact language will be drafted by the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws and submitted to the sponsors for approval. This procedure will ensure that all amendments that are approved conform to style required by the rules.

Articles 12 and 13 of the Constitution require that notice of proposed amendments must be given to all ABA members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered. Therefore, proposed amendments will be published in the July 2004 issue of the ABA Journal. The proponent or his or her designee must be in attendance to present the amendment for debate by the House of Delegates at the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.

Copies of Article 12, concerning amend­ment of the Bylaws, and Article 13, concerning amendment of the Constitution, will be provided to any member upon request to the Division for Policy Admin­istration at the American Bar Center, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611.

Ellen F. Rosenblum

ABA Secretary

Notice by the Governance Commission

Pursuant to Section 16.1 of the Associa­tion’s Constitution, the Commission on Governance has begun its decennial review of the House of Delegates, the Board of Governors and the Nominating Committee. With respect to each body the review shall include an examination of its size and a consideration of its composition to ensure appropriate representation of constituencies. The review of the Board of Governors and Nominating Committee shall include a consideration of whether at-large representation of women and minorities should be continued, and a review of the issue of districting for the Board of Governors in terms of Association membership.

In anticipation of submitting final recommendations to the House of Dele­gates for consideration at the 2005 An­nual Meeting in Chicago, the Com­mis- sion welcomes comments as it relates to the governing structure of the Associa­tion. Please be advised that the Commis­sion will conduct its first open hearing on Saturday, February 7, 2004, from 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., in conjunction with the 2004 Midyear Meeting in San Antonio, TX. This hearing is open to Association members and meeting participants. If you are interested in participating in the hearing or if you would like to submit written comments for the Commission’s consideration, please contact Alpha M. Brady, Director, ABA Division for Policy Ad­ministration, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611, phone: 312/988-5155, fax: 312/988-5153, e-mail: bradya@staff. abanet.org. Additional hearings will likely be held during the 2004 Annual Meeting in Atlanta and perhaps during the 2005 Midyear Meeting in Salt Lake City.

William H. Neukom, Chair Commission on Governance

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