Obiter Dicta

Thong or Slingshot?

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It’s a dangerous world we live in. From wars to street gangs to drivers using cell phones, sometimes it feels like disaster can strike just by putting on your underwear in the morning. Macrida Patterson, in fact, says it happened to her.

Patterson, 52, a Los Angeles traffic officer, claimed in an interview on NBC’s Today Show in June that she seriously injured an eye while attempting to put on a thong she purchased from Victoria’s Secret.

The garment bears a heart-shaped rhinestone connected to the fabric by metal links. Patterson said that when she stretched the thong to step into it, one of the metal links broke loose and flew into her eye.

“It happened really quickly. I was in excruciating pain,” Patterson said.

The garment was defective “in its design and its manufacture,” said Pat­terson’s attorney, Jason Buccat of Culver City. “Macrida suffered three actual cuts to her cornea,” he said. “It left some severe damage, to the point where in order for it to heal, she had to take some topical steroid.”

When pressed by host Meredith Vieira for a dollar figure being sought in the lawsuit, Buccat said the suit was not about money, but that Patterson was seeking more than $25,000.

A representative of Victoria’s Secret issued the following e-mail statement: “It would be really inappropriate for us to comment at this point since we have not even been served with that lawsuit yet.”