Search for New Executive Director Under Way
ABA Executive Director Henry F. White Jr. resigned effective Nov. 20 after three years at the helm of the world’s largest voluntary professional membership organization. General counsel R. Thomas Howell Jr. has been named interim executive director.
William C. Hubbard of Columbia, S.C., who chairs the ABA’s policymaking House of Delegates, heads the search committee that will identify a permanent successor to White.
“I wish Hank White well in his future endeavors and thank him for his service to the ABA over the past three years,” said the association’s president, Carolyn B. Lamm, in a statement. “I know that Tom Howell, who has served the association for many years both as a leading member and more recently as chief legal officer, will ensure that the association continues to serve its members and the public through a transition to new leadership.”
Before joining the ABA, White served as president of the Institute of International Container Lessors, a trade association for the container and chassis leasing industry. Previously, he was a lawyer in private practice and government service in New York City. He retired from the Naval Reserve as a rear admiral.
Howell became ABA general counsel in 2007 after being of counsel to Chicago-based Seyfarth Shaw for 10 years. He previously served as vice president and general counsel of the Quaker Oats Co.