Letters From Our Readers: Race and character
Race and character
Thank you, Liane Jackson, for your well-written article, “America’s Tipping Point,” August-September, page 9. Indeed, it is a special time now for change. No race is “better” than another. None of us had anything to do with what body we were born into. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, we look forward to a time when we are not judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character. And character is something we do control.
Peter Roberts
Zoom effect
I read with interest “Pandemic Pause,” August-September, page 28, by Heidi K. Brown. She suggests that metrics such as GPAs and billable hours should be abandoned, but I am not sure what is intended to take their place. She states the “gift of gab” is an attribute to be replaced with “excellent oral and written communication skills in virtual spaces.” Isn’t the ability to communicate important, whether on Zoom or in person? She also extols the virtual seminars as helping “already underserve[d] introverted, naturally quiet and shy students.” Aren’t attorneys advocates for their clients? I believe an attorney is more than someone researching and writing briefs. Attorneys must effectively communicate their positions and not allow the opposing counsel to intimidate them. Perhaps the law school environment will bring out this skill rather than promoting someone to hide behind a keyboard.
We (an ambiguous pronoun) are asked to reconsider what it means for an employee (assuming this is referring to an attorney) to be “productive” or “contributing.” It would appear the goal of an attorney should be to serve the client. If the random hours meet the needs of the client, then both parties are served. This assumes that the nontraditional routine does not place a burden on those working more traditional hours.
Randy P. Roussel
Baton Rouge, Louisiana