ABA Notices


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Proposed amendments to the Constitu­tion and Bylaws of the American Bar Asso­ciation summarized below have been duly filed with the Secretary of the Association by the indicated sponsoring members of the Association for consideration by the House of Delegates at the 2004 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Copies of the full text of these proposals will be published in the book of reports to the House of Delegates and are also available via the Internet on the ABA Web Site under the House of Delegates on the ABA Leadership Page @ http:\www.abanet. org\leadership. These proposals are also available to any member upon request to the Division for Policy Administration at the American Bar Center, 321 N. Clark Street, 21st Floor, Chicago, IL 60610.


Notice is hereby given that Edward Haskins Jacobs proposes to amend § 1.2 of the Constitution to include the following language as one of the purposes of the Association: “to defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, including all those conceived but not yet born.”


Notice is hereby given that Robert T. Gonzales (Principal Sponsor), Ellen J. Flannery, Suzanne E. Gilbert, Marilyn J. Harbur, William L. Pope, James R. Sil­ke­nat and Howard H. Vogel propose to amend § 6.8(a) of the Constitution to de­lete the National Association of College and University Attorneys as an affiliated organization represented in the House of Delegates since the association no longer takes positions on legal or societal issues.


Notice is hereby given that A. Joshua Markus (Principal Sponsor), Michael Burke, Michael Byowitz, Don DeAmicis, Stuart Deming, Deborah Enix-Ross, Jeff­rey Golden, Steven Hendrix, Eric Jones, Carrie Newton Lyons, Carol Mates, Dar­rell Prescott, Claire Reade, Kenneth Rei­senfeld, Charles Routh, Mark Sandstrom, Dean Saul and Aaron Schildhaus propose to amend § 10.1 of the Constitution to change the name of the Section of Inter­national Law and Practice to the Section of International Law.


Notice is hereby given that A. Joshua Markus (Principal Sponsor), Michael Burke, Michael Byowitz, Don DeAmicis, Stuart Deming, Deborah Enix-Ross, Jeff­rey Golden, Steven Hendrix, Eric Jones, Carrie Newton Lyons, Carol Mates, Dar­rell Prescott, Claire Reade, Kenneth Rei­senfeld, Charles Routh, Mark Sandstrom, Dean Saul and Aaron Schildhaus propose to amend § 21.12(b) of the Bylaws to change the name “International Law Associates” to “Non-U.S. Lawyer Associates.”


Notice is hereby given that A. Joshua Markus (Principal Sponsor), Michael Burke, Michael Byowitz, Don DeAmicis, Stuart Deming, Deborah Enix-Ross, Jeff­rey Golden, Steven Hendrix, Eric Jones, Carrie Newton Lyons, Carol Mates, Da­rrell Prescott, Claire Reade, Kenneth Rei­senfeld, Charles Routh, Mark Sand­strom, Dean Saul and Aaron Schildhaus propose to amend § 30.5 of the Bylaws to provide that Non-U.S. Lawyer Associates may serve on the Council of the Section of International Law.


Notice is hereby given that Robert D. Welden (Principal Sponsor), Gwendolyn D. Hodge, Lori S. Holcomb, Henry A. Kel­ly, Janet Green Marbley, Seth Rosner, Alice E. Richmond, Lynda C. Shely and James E. Towery propose to amend § 31.7 of the Bylaws to revise the jurisdictional statement of the Standing Committee on Client Protection.


Notice is hereby given that John T. Ber­ry (Principal Sponsor), Angela M. Bennett, Robert P. Cummins, David J. Waxse, E.D. Gaskins, Jr., Harriet L. Turney, Jim Odell Stuckey II and Leslie W. Jacobs propose to amend § 31.7 of the Bylaws to revise the jurisdictional statement of the Standing Committee on Professionalism.


Notice is hereby given that Paul K. Casey (Principal Sponsor), Thomas B. Kelley, John R. Heisse, David A. Berg, Kenneth Abdo and Steven M. Goldman propose to amend § 32.1(c) of the Bylaws to eliminate the requirement that a prerequisite for membership in any Forum is membership in one of the Sections.

Ellen F. Rosenblum



Pursuant to § 16.1 of the Associa­tion’s Con­stitution, the Commission on Gov­ern­ance has begun its decennial review of the House of Delegates, the Board of Gov­ernors and the Nominating Com­mittee. With respect to each body the review shall include an examination of its size and a con­sideration of its composition to ensure appropriate representation of constituencies. The review of the Board of Gov­ern­ors and Nominating Committee shall include a consideration of whether at-large representation of women and minorities should be continued, and a review of the issue of districting for the Board of Governors in terms of Association membership.

In anticipation of submitting final recommendations to the House of Delegates for consideration at the 2005 Annual Meet­ing in Chicago, the Commission welcomes comments as it relates to the governing structure of the Association. Please be advised that the Commission will conduct its second open hearing in conjunction with the 2004 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Geor­­gia, on Saturday, August 7, 2004, from 8:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m., in Room B308, Lev­el 3 at the Georgia World Congress Center. This hearing is open to Associ­a­tion members and meeting participants. If you are interested in participating in the hearing or if you would like to submit written com­ments for the Commission’s consideration, please contact Alpha M. Brady, Director, ABA Division for Policy Administration, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60610, phone: 312/988-5155, fax: 312/988-5153, e-mail: bradya@staff. abanet.org. An additional hearing may also base held during the 2005 Midyear Meeting in Salt Lake City.

William H. Neukom, Chair

Commission on Governance


Pursuant to § 6.3(e) of the ABA’s Con­sti­tu­tion, the state of Maryland will elect a State Delegate to fill a vacancy due to the nomination of Louise Michaux Gonzales to the Board of Governors. The term commences immediately upon certification by the Board of Elections and expires at the conclusion of the 2006 Annual Meeting.


Nominating petitions must be filed with the Board of Elections at Association head­quarters not later than Friday, August 20, 2004. A minimum of twenty-five signatures of members of the Association is required.

While it is desirable that more than the required minimum of twenty-five names of members of the Association appear on the nominating petitions, only twenty-five names of signers of any petition will be included with the ballot. Only signatures of members of the Association will be counted. Each nominating petition must be accompanied by a typewritten list of names and addresses of the signers in the order in which they appear on the petition. The petition must also be accompanied by a one-hundred-word biographical sketch of the nominee. Forms for this purpose will be provided. The biographical sketch and a list of twenty-five signers from the nominating petitions will be included in the ballot material sent to each Association member in the state of Maryland.

The candidate and all signers must be members of the Association whose membership is accredited to the state of Mary­land. There is no limit to the number of candidates who may be nominated in any state, and the nominations are made only on the initiative of members themselves.

Each nominee for the office of State Del­egate is entitled to receive one list of the names and addresses of the Associ­a­tion members in his/her state. The list is to be made available only after the proper filing of nominating petitions, upon written request. The nominee should allow fourteen days from receipt of the request until delivery of the list.

Nominating petitions may be obtained from the Board of Elections at the headquarters office of the American Bar Asso­ciation, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60610, and must be filed before the close of business at 5:00 P.M., Friday, August 20, 2004.

Ballots will be mailed to Association members in good standing, accredited to the state of Maryland, no later than Friday, September 10, 2004. In accordance with § 6.3(e) of the ABA Constitution, no ballots will be mailed to members when a State Delegate election is uncontested. If only one valid nominating petition is filed, the Board of Elections will certify that the sole nominee is elected.


Justice Robert P. Young, Jr., Chair Hon. Ann C. Williams Laurie Webb Daniel


For more information, contact the ABA Service Center at 800-285-2221 or service @abanet.org, or visit www.abanet.org/cle. ABE Annual Meeting of Members The Annual Meeting of Members of the American Bar Endowment will be held August 9, 2004, at 8:45 a.m. in the Murphy Ballroom, Ballroom Level, West Con­course of the Georgia World Congress Center.

Purposes of the meeting are: 1) to elect two members to the Board of Directors for a term of five years each, and 2) to transact such other business that may properly come before the meeting.

All members of the American Bar As­sociation are members of the American Bar Endowment.

Roderick B. Mathews
