
Notice Regarding Election of Delegates-at-Large

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Pursuant to § 6.5 of the ABA Constitu­tion, six Delegates-at-Large to the House of Delegates will be elected at the 2004 An­nu­al Meeting for three-year terms beginning with the adjournment of that meeting and ending with the adjournment of the 2007 Annual Meeting. Candi­dates for elec­tion as Delegate-at-Large are to be nominated by written petition. The deadline for filing nominating petitions for the 2004 election in Atlanta, Georgia, is Fri­day, May 21, 2004.

Under the Constitution, no more than one nominee from a particular state, territory or possession may be elected in the annual election. If more than one member accredited to the same state, territory or possession submits nominating petitions, each will be notified within ten days of the fact that there is more than one nominee.

Voting will take place in the registration area of the Georgia World Congress Center. The polls will be open during the same hours as registration, except on the last day the polls will close at 11:00 a.m. The votes will then be tallied and the six nominees with the highest number of votes (taking into account that no more than one may be elected from the same state, territory or possession) will be declared elected as Delegates-at-Large. In the event of a tie vote, I, as the Secretary, will determine the winner by lot. Rules that restrict campaigning for the position of Delegate-at-Large will be mailed to all nominees upon receipt of their petitions.

Nominating petitions may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary, Carri L. Kerber, American Bar Center, 750 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The petition must be signed by twenty-five (25) members of the Ameri­can Bar Association. The signing by any member of one petition will not disqualify him/her as the signer of other petitions. Each petition must be filed with my office at the above address by the close of business at 5:00 p.m. (CT), Friday, May 21, 2004. The filing must include the written consent of the nominee and a biographical sketch approved by the nominee consisting of not more than seventy-five (75) words. All biographical sketches will be printed and available to Associ­ation mem­bers as they register or collect their credentials at the registration desk at the Annual Meeting.

Any questions regarding the foregoing should be sent promptly to the Office of the Secretary at the Bar Center in care of Carri L. Kerber Ellen F. Rosenblum


Nominating Committee Action at the 2004 Midyear Meeting

In accordance with § 9.1 of the Asso­cia­tion’s Constitution, I hereby certify that the Nominating Committee of the House of Delegates, at its meeting on Sunday, Feb­ruary 8, 2004, nominated the fol­lowing individuals as Officers of the Association:

President-Elect (Term 2004-2005)

Michael S. Greco of Massachusetts

Chair of the House of Delegates

(Term 2004-2006)

Stephen N. Zack of Florida

Secretary (Term 2005-2008; to serve as Secretary-Elect 2004-2005)

Armando Lasa-Ferrer of Puerto Rico

Treasurer (Term 2005-2008; to serve as Treasurer-Elect 2004-2005)

Wm. T. Robinson III of Kentucky

The Nominating Committee also nominated the following individuals as members of the Board of Governors for the 2004-2007 term:

District Members

District 7: Timothy L. Bertschy, Illinois

District 8: Michael A. Bedke, Florida

District 10: Bevin B. Bump, Nebraska

District 11: James M. Sturdivant, Oklahoma

District 13: Keith E. Brown, Alaska

District 18:Louise Michaux Gonzales, Maryland

Section Members-at-Large

Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities:

Mark D. Agrast, Washington, DC

Section of State and Government Law:

James Baird, Illinois

Woman Member-at-Large:

Sharon Cox Stevens, Oregon

Ellen F. Rosenblum


Resolutions by Association Members

Any Association member may submit a resolution for consideration by the House of Delegates. Member resolutions to be considered by the House at the 2004 An­nual Meeting in Atlanta, GA must be received by the Division for Policy Ad­min­­istration, American Bar Center, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611, no later than Friday, May 7, 2004.

Resolutions must be concise and limited to 300 words. If a resolution supports or opposes existing or proposed legislation, it must be accompanied by five cop­ies of the measure or by a summary of its provisions. Procedures for filing resolutions are available upon request from the Division for Policy Administration at (312) 988-5165.

Member resolutions will be referred to the Committee of Delegates-at-Large, which is scheduled to meet in open session on Sunday, August 8, during the An­nual Meeting. Members are invited to attend the hearing and are welcome to speak on any of the resolutions. The Com­mittee shall report to the House its rec­om­men­dation on each resolution. The res­olu­tions will be considered by the House of Delegates at its meeting August 9-10.

Ellen F. Rosenblum


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