Name That Domain: Generic Top-Level Domains Get the Green Light
In January, ICANN, the governing body that regulates the Internet’s domain name system, announced that it would approve the use of generic top-level domains—those letters after the dot in a URL.
Under the new rules, words like cars or house could end a Web address, not just com or net or org. ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, received a total of 1,930 applicants from 60 countries and territories for the new generic top-level domains. What were some of the most sought-after “gTLDs”?
app (13 applications)
home (11)
inc (11)
art (10)
blog (9)
book (9)
LLC (9)
shop (9)
design (8)
move (8)
music (8)
hotel (7)
love (7)
mail (7)
news (7)
For the record, there were six applications for law and only two for lawyer. To see the complete list or to file an objection, log on to
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