Opening Statements

Conjunction Junction

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Indian legal process outsourcing companies have taken a lot of heat from U.S. lawyers for siphoning work, but they now may need to steel themselves against editors if New York City lawyer Russell Smith’s experience is any indication.

Smith, who helped start the Indian LPO firm SDD Global Solutions, says his firm may have found a new niche correcting the grammar of U.S. attorneys.

It all started with Smith—who keeps handy his copy of Plain English for Lawyers —pointing out the drafting and grammar flaws of some of his Indian lawyers as part of his company’s daily training program in U.S. law for staff. Those flaws, he says, “seemed to be mostly derived from British-style pomposity—vestiges of relatively recent colonial rule. Sentences were too long and winding. There were too many uses of passive construction and indirection.”

From there it wasn’t too long before Smith’s company began editing the work of U.S. lawyers for grammar and style. SDD Global—which has helped do legal research and drafting for U.S. lawyers working on films like Borat, Bruno and The Yes Men Fix the World—soon had a client ask them to edit the work of lawyers involved in a Hollywood lawsuit at an Am Law 100 firm in Los Angeles.

Smith admits that he never expected a team in India to be correcting the grammar and legal writing efforts of U.S. lawyers, but he’s not surprised either.

“Lawyers at some U.S. firms do not have time to conduct or participate in similar training,” Smith says, “and are either too busy or under too much cost pressure to take the time to do a perfect or near-perfect job.”

Not to mention that “high-quality, effective English writing has been out of fashion in the U.S. for decades,” he adds.