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ABA Announcements

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On Dec. 8, 2016, the Board of Elections certified the results of the 2017 State Delegate Elections. For a complete list of the State Delegates elected for the (2017-2020) term, go to and click State Delegate under Elections.


The following persons accredited to the state of Washington have filed petitions for nomination for the office of State Delegate. The term is for three years commencing at the adjournment of the 2017 Annual Meeting. The name of each contested nominee and the names of 25 signers of his/her petition are published below in accordance with section 6.3(b) of the Association’s Constitution.

Kathleen J. Hopkins of Seattle. Nominated by:

David Tang, Kari Petrasek, John Fairgrieve, William H. Neukom, Jaime Hawk, Michael Pellicciotti, Amit Ranade, Linda Rusch,Stephen Sepinuck, Karl Ege, Philip Brandt, Llewelyn Pritchard, Brandon Gribben, Debra Akhbari, Lisa Gilmore, Stephanie Grassia, Kameron L. Kirkevold, Evan Loeffler, Thomas M. Fitzpatrick, Gregory Fox, Stephanie Stephens, Rudy Englund, Katie Matison, Julie Seidenstein and Scott M. Edwards.

James F. Williams of Seattle. Nominated by:

J. David Andrews, Thomas Boeder, Andrew Bor, Joseph Bringman, David Burman, Ellen Conedera Dial, Karl Ege, Susan Foster, Kevin Hamilton, Stewart Landefeld, David McShea, Kathleen O’Sullivan, Paul Parker, Jane Pearson, Richard Prentke, Markham Quehrn, Michael Reynvaan, Frederick Rivera, James Sanders, Mark Schneider, Alan D. Smith, David Taylor, Linda Walton, Nancy Williams and Georges H.F. Yates.


The ABA President will appoint one Goal III minority member-at-large and one Goal III woman member-at-large to the Nominating Committee for the term 2017- 2020. Nominations for these appointments will be broadly solicited from the diversity commissions, sections, divisions and forums, state and local bar associations, and the membership at large. If you are interested in submitting a nomination or have questions, contact Leticia Spencer (Leticia.Spencer c/o Office of the Secretary, by Wednesday, April 12.


The Constitution and Bylaws of the American Bar Association may be amended only at the ABA Annual Meeting upon action of the House of Delegates. The next Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates will be held August 14-15, 2017, in New York, New York.

Proposals to amend either the Constitution or Bylaws may be submitted by any ABA member. It is preferable that proposals be submitted in the form of a memorandum that details the purpose and effect of the proposal.

In order to be considered at the 2017 Annual Meeting, a proposed amendment must be received by the Policy and Planning Division at the American Bar Center on or before Friday, March 10, 2017. This deadline is essential in order to allow time for proposed amendments to be considered by the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Exact language will be drafted by the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws and submitted to the sponsors for approval. This procedure will ensure that all amendments that are approved conform to style required by the rules.

Articles 12 and 13 of the Constitution require that notice of proposed amendments must be given to all ABA members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered. Therefore, proposed amendments will be published in the July 2017 issue of the ABA Journal. The proponent or his or her designee must be in attendance to present the amendment for debate by the House of Delegates at the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.

Copies of Article 12, concerning amendment of the Bylaws, and Article 13, concerning amendment of the Constitution, will be provided to any member upon request to the Policy and Planning Division at the American Bar Center, 321 N. Clark Street, 21st Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60654.

Mary T. Torres
ABA Secretary