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ABA Announcements

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Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws and House Rules of Procedure

Proposed amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws and House Rules of Procedure of the American Bar Association summarized below have been duly filed with the Secretary of the Association by the indicated sponsoring members of the Association for consideration by the House of Delegates at the 2013 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. Copies of the full text of these proposals will be published in the book of resolutions to the House of Delegates and are also available on the ABA’s Website on the House of Delegates Leadership Page at: (click on Summary of Resolutions). These proposals are also available to any member upon request to the Division for Policy Administration at the American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654; 312/988-5230.

I. Notice is hereby given that Edward Haskins Jacobs proposes to amend § 1.2 of the Association’s Constitution to include the following language as one of the purposes of the Association: “to defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, including all those conceived but not yet born.”

II. Notice is hereby given that Joan Rose Marie Bullock (Principal Sponsor), Michael P. Downey, Robert A. Young, Tom Bolt, Thomas L. Mighell, Thomas C. Grella, Mark A. Robertson, Walter Karnstein, Kenneth E. Young, Roberta Cooper Ramo, Charles E. English, William Ferreira, Paula J. Frederick; Linda A. Klein, Judy Perry Martinez, Barbara Mendel Mayden, Llewelyn G. Pritchard, William T. Robinson, Palmer Gene Vance II, and David B. Wolfe propose to amend § 6.2(a)(5), § 6.7(h), and § 10.1(a) of the Association’s Constitution, and § 30.5 of the Association’s Bylaws to change the name and status of the Law Practice management Section to the Law Practice Division.

III. Notice is hereby given that William R. Bay (Principal Sponsor) and Pamela A. Bresnahan propose to amend § 30.5 of the Association’s Bylaws, to allow non-U.S. lawyer associates to serve on the Council and in the leadership of the Section of Litigation.

IV. Notice is hereby given that Brig. Gen (Ret.) David G. Ehrhart proposes to amend § 31.7 of the Association’s Bylaws to revise the jurisdictional statement of the Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel.

V. Notice is hereby given that Sharon Stern Gerstman (Principal Sponsor), Estelle H. Rogers, Richard A. Soden, J. Anthony Patterson, Jr., John L. McDonnell, Jr., Ginger Busby, James Dimos, and Cheryl Niro propose to amend § 31.7 of the Association’s Bylaws to discontinue the Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements.

VI. Notice is hereby given that Sharon Stern Gerstman (Principal Sponsor), Estelle H. Rogers, Richard A. Soden, J. Anthony Patterson, Jr., John L. McDonnell, Jr., Ginger Busby, James Dimos, and Cheryl Niro propose to amend § 31.7 of the Association’s Bylaws to discontinue the Standing Committee on Strategic Communications.

VII. Notice is hereby given that Marna S. Tucker (Principal Sponsor), Philip Anderson, Dennis Archer, Martha Barnett, David Clark, N. Lee Cooper, Talbot D’Alemberte, Michael E. Flowers, Michael Greco, Robert Grey, Robert Hirshon, Kay Hodge, R. William Ide III, Robert Juceam, William Paul, Deborah Perluss, Wm. (Bill) T. Robinson III, H. Thomas Wells, Jr., Carole Worthington, and Stephen Zack propose to amend § 6.8(a) of the Association’s Constitution, to reinstate the National Legal Aid and Defender Association as an affiliated organization in the House of Delegates.

Respectfully Submitted,

- Hon. Cara Lee T. Neville


The Annual Meeting of Members of the American Bar Endowment will be held in conjunction with the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco on Monday, August 12, 2013, at 8:45 A.M. in the 3rd Floor Ballroom of the Moscone Center West. The purpose of this meeting is: (1) to elect two members to the Board of Directors for a term of five years and (2) to transact such other business that may properly come before the meeting. All members of the American Bar Association are members of the American Bar Endowment.


In accordance with §9.1 of the Association’s Constitution, the Nominating Committee of the House of Delegates, at its meeting on Sunday, February 10, 2013, nominated William C. Hubbard as President-Elect (2013-2014), Mary T. Torres as Secretary (2014-2017; to serve as Secretary-Elect 2013-2014), and G. Nicholas Casey, Jr. as Treasurer (2014-2017; to serve as Treasurer-Elect 2013-2014).

The Nominating Committee also nominated the following individuals as members of the Board of Governors:

District Members (2013-2016)

District 7: Stephen E. Chappelear, Ohio District 8: Eduardo R. Rodriguez, Texas District 10: Joseph B. Bluemel, Wyoming District 11: Jimmy K. Goodman, Oklahoma District 13: John C. Schulte, Montana District 18: Robert T. Gonzales, Maryland

Section Members-at-Large (2013-2016)

Section of Dispute Resolution: Pamela Enslen, Michigan

Section of Public Utility: Samuel H. Porter, Ohio

Woman Member-at-Large (2013-2016)

Marcia Milby Ridings, Kentucky

- Hon. Cara Lee T. Neville