Your ABA

ABA Announcements

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Proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Bar Association summarized below have been duly filed with the Secretary of the Association by the indicated sponsoring members of the Association for consideration by the House of Delegates at the 2011 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada. Copies of the full text of these proposals will be published in the book of resolutions to the House of Delegates and are also available on the ABA’s website on the House of Delegates Leadership Page. (Click on Summary of Recommendations). These proposals are also available to any member upon request to the Division for Policy Administration at the American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654; 312/988-5230.


Notice is hereby given that Edward Haskins Jacobs proposes to amend §1.2 of the Constitution to include the following language as one of the purposes of the Association: “to defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, including all those conceived but not yet born.”


Notice is hereby given that Douglas W. Hartig (Principal Sponsor), Joaquin C. Arriola, Jr., R. William Ide, III, Tom Bolt, and H. Thomas Wells, Jr. propose to amend § 6.2 of the Constitution and various other sections of the Constitution and the House Rules of Procedure, to provide that each territory, as defined, shall have a seat in the House of Delegates.


Notice is hereby given that Tommy Preston, Jr., Kevin R. Johnson, Stephanie Loquvam, Carter Alleman, AnnMichelle Hart, J. Eric Cavanaugh, Tiffany Colbert, Richard Manhattan, Robert J. Grey, Jr., Carolyn B. Lamm, William C. Hubbard, and Lauren Rikleen propose to amend § 7.2 and various other sections of the Constitution to change the Law Student Division non-voting member-at-large of the Board of Governors to a voting member-at-large of the Board of Governors.


Notice is hereby given that Lynne Barr (Principal Sponsor), Linda Rusch, Martin Lybecker, Dixie Johnson, Paul Chip Lion, Nathaniel Doliner, Renie Grohl, Marsha Simms, Mary Beth Clary, Elizabeth S. Stong, Maury Poscover and Salli Swartz propose to amend § 30.5 of the Bylaws to provide that non-U.S. lawyer associates may serve as officers of the Business Law Section.


Notice is hereby given that George J. Meyer (Principal Sponsor), James S. Schenck, IV, Adrian L. Bastianelli, III, Arthur D. Brannan, Terrence L. Brookie, Gregory L. Cashion, Susan Fisher Stevents, Terry J. Galganski, R. Harper Heckman, George Edgar James, Kerry L. Kester, Steven B. Lesser, Carol J. Patterson, Richard J. Tyler and Joseph D. West propose to amend § 32.1 of the Bylaws to provide that non-U.S. lawyer associates may serve on the Governing Committee of the Forum on Construction Law.


Notice is hereby given that Jeffrey J. Snell (Principal Sponsor), M. Joe Crosthwait, Jr., Sharon Stern Gerstman, J. Anthony (Tony) Patterson, Jr., Estelle H. Rogers, Jonathan W. Wolfe and Robert A. Zupkus propose to amend § 31.7 of the Association’s Bylaws to delete the paragraph headed “the Standing Committee on Environmental Law.”

Respectfully Submitted,
Hon. Bernice B. Donald


Pursuant to § 6.3(e) of the ABA’s Constitution, Puerto Rico will elect a State Delegate to fill a vacancy due to the demise of Armando Lasa-Ferrer. The term commences immediately upon certification by the Board of Elections and expires at the conclusion of the 2014 Annual Meeting.


Nominating petitions must be filed with the Board of Elections at Association headquarters not later than Friday, August 19, 2011. A minimum of twenty-five signatures of lawyer members of the Association is required.

While it is desirable that more than the required minimum of twenty-five names of members of the Association appear on the nominating petitions, only twenty-five names of signers of any petition will be included with the ballot. Only signatures of lawyer members of the Association will be counted. Each nominating petition must be accompanied by a typewritten list of names, addresses, and ABA member ID’s of the signers in the order in which they appear on the petition. The petition must also be accompanied by a one-hundred-word biographical sketch of the nominee. Forms for this purpose will be provided. The biographical sketch and a list of twenty-five signers from the nominating petitions will be included in the ballot material sent to each Association lawyer member in Puerto Rico.

The candidate and all signers must be lawyer members of the Association whose membership is accredited to Puerto Rico. There is no limit to the number of candidates who may be nominated in any state, and the nominations are made only on the initiative of members themselves.

Each nominee for the office of State Delegate is entitled to receive one list of the names and addresses of the Association members in his/her state. The list is to be made available only after the proper filing of nominating petitions and after the petition filing deadline, upon written request. The nominee should allow up to fourteen days from receipt of the request until delivery of the list. In addition, ABA staff will send one email on behalf of the candidates to the ABA lawyer members in his/her contested state.

Nominating petitions may be obtained from the Board of Elections at the headquarters office of the American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60654, and must be filed before the close of business at 5:00 P.M. (Central), Friday, August 19, 2011.

Ballots will be sent to Association lawyer members in good standing, accredited to Puerto Rico, no later than Friday, September 9, 2011.

In accordance with § 6.3(e) of the ABA Constitution, no ballots will be mailed to members when a State Delegate election is uncontested. If only one valid nominating petition is filed, the Board of Elections will certify that the sole nominee is elected.

Justice Mark D. Martin, Chair
Louise Michaux Gonzales
Jack B. Middleton

ABE Annual Meeting of Members

The Annual Meeting of Members of the American Bar Endowment will be held in conjunction with the ABA Annual Meeting on August 8, 2011, at 8:45 A.M. in the Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada. At this meeting three Directors will be elected, two to serve five-year terms, and one to serve a two-year term.

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