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ABA Notices

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2006 Regular State Committee Delegate Elections

Seventeen states will elect State Delegates for three-year terms beginning at the adjournment of the 2006 Annual Meeting. (The states conducting elections and election rules and procedures can be found at

Notice Of Board Of Governors Petition Deadline

At the 2006 Midyear Meeting, the Nominating Committee will nominate district and at-large positions on the ABA Board of Governors for the 2006-2009 term. The Committee will nominate individuals from the following states to represent the districts noted: New Jersey (District 3), North Carolina (District 5), Missouri (District 9), California (District 14), New York (District 15), Mississippi (District 16), and Nevada (District 17). (For rules and procedures on filing petitions, visit www.abajournal com.)

Nominating Committee Meeting Notice

The Nominating Committee will meet in conjunction with the 2006 Midyear Meet­ing in Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, Feb­ruary 12, 2006, beginning with the busi­ness session at 9:00 a.m. Immediately following the business session, the Nom­inating Committee will hear from candidates seeking nomination at the 2006 Midyear Meeting. This portion of the meet­ing is open to Association members. The voting session will follow the Can­didate’s Forum. (For the full text of this notice, see

CLE Programs in January

For information, contact the ABA Service Center at 800-285-2221 or service, or visit

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