ABA Journal

Legal Rebels Profiles

Bruce MacEwen diagnoses and prescribes for law practice ills (podcast)

New York, New York

Carl Malamud: Paper Tiger

: Working to make public documents accessible

Founder, Public.Resource.org , Sebastopol, California

Stephen Manning: Replicating immigrant assistance

Founding Partner


Immigrant Law Group


Portland, Oregon

Chris Marston: New Business

: Setting up a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs

CEO and founder, Exemplar Law Partners, Boston, Massachusetts

Kingsley Martin's Analysis Software Spots Contract Flaws

: A Better Benchmark

Founder, Kiiac, Chicago, Illinois

Vivek Maru: Drawing the arc to global justice





Can John Mayer make law textbooks a thing of the past? 'It's fun pushing the envelope,' he says

: Law Lessons Online

Executive director, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, Chicago, Illinois

Legal tech's future is in lawyers' mindset, Randi Mayes says (podcast)

Austin, Texas

Kyle McEntee Challenges Law Schools to Come Clean

: Scourge of the Status Quo

Co-Founder, Law School Transparency, Atlanta, Georgia

Gavin McGrane hopes to set the pace for documents with PacerPro

Founder, PacerPro, San Francisco, California

Chip Mellor: Libertarian Law

: Proving humor has a place in issues advocacy

Founder, Institute for Justice, Arlington, Virginia

Max Miller: The Immerser

: Teaching lawyers how to serve entrepreneurs

Director, Innovation Practice Institute,
University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

From C-suite to legal service founder, Michael Mills has always been a leader (podcast)

New York, New York

Michele Mirto: Stepping up A2J while cutting cost

Executive Director


Step Up to Justice


Tucson, Arizona

Erica Moeser: A Bar for All

: Promoting a national bar exam

President, National Conference of Bar Examiners, Madison, Wisconsin

Rocket Lawyer's Charley Moore sees lawyer collaboration as the future (podcast)

San Francisco, California

Moradzadeh and Silberman Maintain High-Tech, No-Pomp Practice

: Pairing and Paring

Co-managing Partner, Rimon Law, San Francisco, California

Vincent Morris: All for the Needy

: All for the Needy

Director, Arkansas Legal Services Partnership, Little Rock, Arkansas

Working Wiki: Paula Nascimento, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

Corporate paralegal manager , Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, New York, New York

Tech fails too, says Sensei's Sharon Nelson (podcast)

Fairfax, Virginia

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