ABA Journal

The New Normal

Rethinking rewards: What BigLaw can do about pay

Choosing your law firm's optimal markets

I think many law firms historically acquired their clients first and their markets second. Somewhere early in a firm’s genesis, one of its lawyers landed a client and performed the assigned tasks well; impressed, that client hired the lawyer again and recommended the lawyer to a similar client, which also retained the lawyer, and more followed.

Can changing how we measure lawyer performance unlock diversity?

HP’s legal department recently announced that it will withhold up to 10 percent of fees from law firms that do not meet its diversity standards, to draw attention to law’s lagging performance in advancing diversity.

What lawyers can learn from a dollar-store model

Innovation has been the buzzword in the legal sector for several years. These days, there is a seminar or conference on innovation or IT disruption in the legal sector every week. Fueled by these repeated messages, many law firms start building apps, giving models away for free or embark on using software for such tasks as due diligence.

Build legal tech tools with actual lawyers in mind

When I was a kid, my dad used to caution me against seeing other people’s concerns through my own eyes. “When you’re a hammer, not everything is a nail.”

What BigLaw gets wrong about pay

Does tying performance to money stifle innovation and change?

This past summer, I spoke to a group of in-house lawyers about implementing the principles behind the agile manifesto for lawyers, something I wrote about in the New Normal.

Tech knowledge makes lawyers more productive, and could be key to increasing access to justice

Mandatory tech CLE: An idea whose time has come

One complaint. Out of 103,000 lawyers. One solitary complaint. The Florida Bar only received one formal objection to its proposal to add three hours to its MCLE requirements and reserve all three hours for technological competence.

Does machine-learning-powered software make good research decisions? Lawyers can't know for sure

Competence-based CLE: A different way to learn

Solving the other legal education crisis

Buy new technology? You must also invest your time in learning it

Tech comes naturally to 'digital native' millennials? That's a myth

Sorry, technology isn’t easy--you take the time to learn, or you lose

The leadership opportunity for law schools

Why is there a disconnect between what firms are doing and what clients want?

Legal machines give lawyers the structure we need

The agony of invoices: When it comes to math, humans are no match for machines

The judgment machine: How algorithmic software won me over

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