ABA Journal

Legal Rebels Archive

Legal Rebels Trailblazers

Robert Ambrogi's blog points lawyers to tech's opportunities (podcast)

Robert Ambrogi likes to say he took a nontraditional path to becoming a legal journalist. Namely, he went to law school.

The New Normal

Successful law firms provide both proper environment and tech tools

The noble legal profession is notorious for its inability to move away from long-standing traditions. While many firms of all sizes experiment with new technologies, methodologies and business practices, the vast legal landscape can hardly be distinguished from itself two or more decades ago.

Legal Rebels Podcast

Bruce MacEwen diagnoses and prescribes for law practice ills (podcast)

Bruce MacEwen is both a doctor and an epidemiologist in the world of BigLaw firms.

The New Normal

A 'principled' artificial intelligence could improve justice

“To what extent should societies delegate to machines decisions that affect people?” This question permeates all discussions on the sweeping ascent of artificial intelligence. Sometimes, the answer seems self-evident.

Legal Rebels Profile

Charles Kenji Whitehead: Teaching startup law as startup products start up

From the late 1980s to mid-2000s, Cornell Law School professor Charles Kenji “Chuck” Whitehead was steeped in BigLaw securities and deals work. He also had top leadership positions as a hybrid banker and a lawyer in big finance companies involved in venture capital and securities.

Legal Rebels Profile

Lainey Feingold: Negotiating better access for the disabled

The word compliance is frequently used in legal matters related to the Americans with Disabilities Act. But Lainey Feingold says simply meeting the law’s standard is not enough.

Legal Rebels Profile

Ryan Alshak: Keeping time so you don’t have to

Ryan Alshak and some friends developed a great app for electronic devices to exchange digital profiles rather than business-card information over Bluetooth connections. But no one was going to beat down any doors to get it.

Legal Rebels Profile

Joshua Browder: His ‘chat’ is not just talk

For Joshua Browder, necessity really is the mother of invention. The 20-year-old London native is a self-described terrible driver who took action on his ton of traffic tickets while driving to and from high school.

“I’d get huge tickets, and I wouldn’t be able to pay them because I didn’t have a job,” Browder says. “I had to figure out a way to solve my problems legally."

Legal Rebels Podcast

John Tredennick of Catalyst took the lead in the '80s to bring tech to his law firm (podcast)

John Tredennick started a focus on legal technology in 1988—back when law firms saw it as something limited to fancy computers and adding machines. He asked Holland & Hart, the Denver-based firm where he was a partner, to add the words chief information officer to his title. Inspiration came from an American Bar Association conference.

Legal Rebels Profile

Matthew Stubenberg: Creating tech solutions to increase justice

Matthew Stubenberg’s legal career is shaped by the Great Recession. In 2010, he started law school at the University of Maryland, where he “fell in love with criminal defense.” However, upon graduation in 2013, the legal market was still recovering, and he was without a job. That was when Stubenberg learned how to code.

Legal Rebels Profile

Casetext's AI assistant is freeing up legal research

It can be hard to feel too sorry for the lawyer reduced to a stammering mess when an opposing lawyer or judge brings up a precedent the lawyer wasn’t ready for. After all, these kinds of predicaments can be easily avoided with some proper legal research, right?

Legal Rebels Profile

Alma Asay: Couch surfer stays on track for CEO success

Barreling toward partner track at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher in New York City, Alma Asay took an abrupt exit to start a legal technology company.

Legal Rebels Profile

Haben Girma: Leading the way for people with disabilities

Haben Girma, a Harvard Law School graduate, has limited hearing and vision and refers to herself as “Deafblind.”

Legal Rebels Profile

Felicity Conrad and Kristen Sonday: Helping find pro bono that fits

Felicity Conrad and Kristen Sonday, whose combined work experience includes international arbitration and operations management for a social club app, met at Gratitude Migration, a New Jersey shore art and global music festival.

Legal Rebels Profile

Mindy Yocum: Making the system work for modest-means clients

Mindy Yocum was the mother of a 2-year-old, with another child on the way, when she got the worst kind of news. Her husband, Scott, was closing up at work when three men broke in, stabbed him nearly 30 times, cleaned out the cash register and cut the phone lines.

Legal Rebels

Introducing the 2017 Legal Rebels: A pattern of progress in access, efficiency and service

Call it a banner (and bandanna) Legal Rebels year: This year's 13 rebels are providing new ways to help immigrants find legal assistance; businesses comply with accessibility laws; drivers deal with parking tickets and lawyers do their time billing—painlessly.

The New Normal

Realign laws on evidence-gathering on the internet, Google GC says

For as long as we’ve had legal systems, prosecutors and police have needed to gather evidence. And for each new advance in communications, law enforcement has adapted.

Legal Rebels Podcast

From C-suite to legal service founder, Michael Mills has always been a leader (podcast)

It's common now for large law firms to have a chief knowledge officer to determine how technology can help lawyers do their jobs more effectively. When Michael Mills first took on that type of role for Davis Polk & Wardwell in 1990, hardly any others were around to imitate. The internet barely even existed.

New Normal

Credentials or outcomes: What's the fairest way to assess lawyer performance?

When we meet with law firm managing partners and senior partners, we often ask them how well they understand their metrics.

Do you understand your firm’s profits per partner?

Do you understand how many hours you and other partners have billed and what billing rates are?

Legal Rebels Podcast

Richard Susskind sees 'rosy future' for law--if it embraces technology (podcast)

For more than three decades, Richard Susskind has been one of the profession's most prolific voices in support of implementing technology with legal services delivery. He's the author of more than 10 books on the topic, and his next one will focus on technology in the courtroom.

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